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The RESOLVE Campaign is turning lives around through housing

If you’re trying to combat homelessness, provide people with homes. That’s the logic behind the housing-first philosophy at the core of the RESOLVE Campaign to end homelessness in Calgary. Research shows that this approach is less expensive than traditional and short-term and emergency responses. In other words, truly ending homelessness costs less than trying to manage it.

The ongoing campaign to raise $120 million through private philanthropy involves nine organizations providing housing units for 3,000 people. An anonymous donor at the Calgary Foundation was inspired to match the Foundation’s $2 million contribution, for a total of $4 million for this collaborative campaign. The partner agencies include Accessible Housing, Bishop O’Byrne Housing, Alpha House Society, Calgary Homeless Foundation, John Howard Society, Horizon Housing Society, Silvera for Seniors, the Mustard Seed and Trinity Place Foundation of Alberta, and each has committed to providing housing for a specific at-risk population.

Story by Paula Trotter