About Us

Since 1955, Calgary Foundation has been nurturing a healthy, vibrant, giving and caring community.

The Foundation facilitates collaborative philanthropy by making powerful connections between donors and community organizations for the long-term benefit of Calgary and area. In 2023-24,  Calgary Foundation saw $84.4 million in new contributions, 51 new funds established, had an asset base of $1.4 billion and granted $75.4 million to 1,221 charitable organizations.

It is the strategic partnerships with our generous fundholders and effective nonprofits that enable us to do great work and build a vibrant community. The strength and value of a community foundation is reflected in a strong and sustainable charitable sector.

Who We Are

We inspire philanthropy, support the charitable sector and build a permanent endowment to address the current and future needs of people in our community.

By applying our resources, expertise, and leadership, Calgary Foundation acts as a catalyst and convener, creating a meeting place that fosters partnerships to build a strong charitable sector that serves the needs of all members of the community.

To identify needs and address community issues, Calgary Foundation develops networks that transcend special interests, providing knowledgeable and effective grants in the areas of Arts & Heritage, Human Services, Education, Environment, Health and Neighbourhoods.

By working with donors and their advisors, Calgary Foundation designs giving plans that achieve their desired charitable and financial goals, ensuring donors receive the maximum tax benefits from their gift and endowed funds receive professional investment management that seeks leading risk adjusted rates of return.


To build a healthy and vibrant community where everyone belongs.


We inspire philanthropy, support the charitable sector and build a permanent endowment to address the current and future needs of people in our community.

  • Know the community
  • Engage community
  • Connect donors with the needs they care about
  • Make grants, make change – 360 degree


  • Accountability – We are answerable to the community and our stakeholders for our practices and results.
  • Compassion – We care about people and consider individual and community wellbeing.
  • Excellence – We aspire to exceptional performance and are committed to best practices.
  • Inclusiveness – We embrace diverse knowledge, backgrounds and perspectives and encourage collaborative communities.
  • Integrity – We are trustworthy, honest, reliable and ethical.

2023 Annual Report

Strategic Direction

Financial Statements & Management Discussion & Analysis 2024

T3010 – Registered Charity Information Return (CRA)

External Environment Scan 2023 – Trends and factors in the external environment impact Calgary Foundation’s work in the community, including where we direct our grants and initiatives we support in Calgary & area.

Canada Revenue Agency Charitable Number: 108074436RR0001

Calgary Foundation is an accredited member of Imagine Canada’s Standards Program , Philanthropic Foundations Canada, and Alberta Living Wage Network.